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  Ultimate Wildlife

  Spiritual Adventures

  About InnerQuest   Adventures

Nationally Acclaimed

Welcome to InnerQuest Adventures. InnerQuest has been offering acclaimed wilderness trips in the spirit of fun, adventure and personal discovery since 1991. We are a member of the Association for Experiential Education and have been featured in Outside Magazine, Men"s Health, Yoga Journal, Body Mind Spirit, FOX TV and many more.

Choose your kind of adventure:

Ultimate Wildlife Eco-Tours
Belize - Costa Rica - Hawaii


Spiritual Journeys for
Life and
Career Renewal



Wildlife Specialists!
BelizeCosta RicaHawaii

  • Non-Commercial Tours
  • Real Adventure Value
  • Exclusive, non-commercial tours.
  • Way off the beaten path where wildlife abounds
  • Expert naturalist guides

Exhilarating experiences with dolphins, monkeys, jaguar, sloth, and other exotic wildlife in their natural habitat.

Overnight canoe segments for maximum wildlife viewing are our specialty.

• Our itineraries are packed with exclusive, real adventure and once-in-a-lifetime experiences. You won't find more value anywhere.

• Our prices are amongst the absolute lowest for adventures in our class - real adventure!

Details and Itineraries for Belize, Costa Rica & Hawaii


 HeroQuest Adventure
The HeroQuest combines an exciting wilderness adventure with an advanced inner journey.
  • Discover your life's purpose
  • Achieve greater mastery over career and life roles
  • Break through your greatest fears and transform your core negative beliefs
  • Develop a vision for your life in greater harmony and balance with the universal laws of nature

HeroQuests are available year-round in your choice of:

• Whitewater Canoeing
• Flatwater Canoeing
• Light Backpacking

• Swimming with dolphins and hiking in the rainforest

What happens on the HeroQuest?



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. . . We love phone calls! 1001 Bridgeway #455, Sausalito, CA 94965

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